We didn’t start this hull till the end of November. There was a weekend of work lost, when we had the celebration of our son’s university graduation. There was a week lost when I had to work away during December. And days lost for Xmas and New Year.
But here now, the start of January, and the port hull is complete. It has been removed from the strongback jig, and the next job is to roll it over. This hull has been completed, from whoa to go, in less time than we spent on fairing the bog on the first hull. I really put way too much on.
I had two weeks off over the end of year break, and that was enough extra time to get it glassed, bogged, and three coats of paint.
hurry and put the photos and footage of the flipping part up already haha, sooo keen to see it all, in real life twas AWESOME!! Well done guys 🙂